Nick Caistor (trans.)
City of Wonders
Arriving in Barcelona in May 1887, with exactly enough money to pay for a week’s rent and board and not a peseta more, ...Read Review
The Vineyard
Mauro Larrea has become a self-made man in 1860s Mexico City by means of courage and brawny determination. Over decades, this native Spaniard ...Read Review
The German Girl
Berlin in 1939 is seen through the eyes of Hannah Rosenthal, who starts her tale with “I was almost twelve years old when I ...Read Review
The Japanese Lover
“We are all born happy. Life gets us dirty along the way, but we can clean it up. Happiness is not exuberant or ...Read Review
An Englishman in Madrid
In the spring of 1936, art historian Anthony Whitelands is sent to Madrid to advise the Duke of La Igualada on the value of ...Read Review
The Hand of Fatima
In 1564, after years of Christian oppression, the Moors of Granada exact a terrible revenge against their masters: after the ensuing bloodbath, the white ...Read Review
Cathedral of the Sea
Set in 14th-century Catalonia, this novel has become a huge bestseller in Spain with translations sold in 32 countries to date. The story of ...Read Review