Local chapters

What are they?

These local groups have been set up by enthusiastic Historical Novel Society members. They are locally initiated and run, with very little central supervision.

Who leads them?

A chapter’s leader is a paid-up member of the Society. Governance, meetings, membership and other administrative areas are independent of the main Society.

The Facebook group needs a ‘sleeping’ admin from the main Society, in case of any problems. We would also prefer to create your logo.

How to start a local chapter

Please contact us if you wish to start a chapter. Society administration must be made aware before any local chapters are formed, so that we can make sure there’s no duplication, keep our contact information current, and direct members to chapters near them when they reach out to us. All Leads will also be added to a Chapter Leads email group so Society administration can communicate with them, and they care easily share ideas and calls for assistance.

There is a Chapter Guide with detailed information for those interested in starting a new chapter or taking over administration of an existing chapter.

We recommend beginning with a private Facebook group. As noted above, Society administration will need “sleeping” admin access to the Facebook group in the event that chapter leadership lapses or the chapter becomes inactive. Once the Facebook group is live, we’ll then give a shout-out from our main social media and add you to the lists. We can also assist by communicating via email with all members in the target geographical area for the chapter, letting them know of its existence and calling for participation.

More information