A Lasting Impression

Written by Tamera Alexander
Review by Marie Burton

Featuring the courageous Civil War figure Adelicia Acklen, this first in a series begins with the risky romance between Adelicia’s newest personal secretary, Claire Laurent, and Adelicia’s lawyer, Sutton Monroe. Claire is so gifted in oil painting that her father’s business was dependent upon Claire’s forgeries, and it wasn’t until his death that Claire could find a way out of her thankless job. Working for Adelicia has its rewards, but the truth of her past could land her in jail and lose the man of her dreams. Keeping Adelicia’s best interests at the top of his list, Sutton has a hunch that Claire may be hiding something, yet he also starts to fall in love with her. Claire could soon become the belle of the ball at the magnificent Belmont Mansion, but the art forgery case that Sutton Monroe is investigating threatens her future and their budding romance. It is through Claire’s faith in God that she finally begins the healing process and allows herself to move forward in her journey, and the author takes her time with this development. A thorough novel with menacing characters from Claire’s past mingling with Tennessee’s finest folks and the inspiring Belmont Mansion, A Lasting Impression is a compelling story that doesn’t let go once it takes hold.