
Reviews of some 20,000+ historical fiction books

The Pillar of the Sky

By Cecelia Holland - Published 2000



Cecelia Holland is a highly versatile writer whose novels have settings ranging from science fiction and the American West to the Middle Ages ...Read Review

Deus Lo Volt! Chronicle of the Crusades

By Evan S. Connell - Published 2000



We are transported by author Evan S. Connell to the two centuries of human existence – from 1095 to 1289 – more enmired in the blood of ...Read Review

Arthur, The Bear of Britain

By Edward Frankland - Published 1998


AdventureBiographical Fiction

The grim reality of sixth century Britain comes to life in Frankland’s novel of the legendary King Arthur. In this novel, originally ...Read Review

Memoirs of Pontius Pilate

By James Mills - Published 2000


Alternate HistoryBiographical Fiction

Mills mixes the Roman historical genre with the early Christian form.The blurb stated that Mills started with what he, with no false ...Read Review

Ashes of Britannia (The Warrior Queens)

By Haley Elizabeth Garwood - Published 2000


Biographical FictionEpic

“From the ashes of Britannia arose a legend,” and her name was Boadicea, Druid priestess and Queen of the Celtic Iceni. This third ...Read Review

The Hippopotamus Marsh: 1 (Lords of the Two Lands)

By Pauline Gedge - Published 2000


Biographical FictionSaga

In ancient Egypt, “Lord of the Two Lands” was one of Pharaoh’s titles, and Pauline Gedge’s new series is the story ...Read Review

Unveiled: No 1: No. 1 (Lineage of Grace, 1 Series)

By Francine Rivers - Published 2000


Biographical FictionSaga

The first in her series of five ancestresses of Jesus, Unveiled is an easy-to-read tale of Tamar. Tamar, a Canaanite, marries cruel Er, ...Read Review

Queenmaker: A Novel of King David’s Queen

By India Edghill - Published 1999


Biographical FictionSaga

This Biblical historical focuses on a little known Queen; Michal, daughter of King Saul, wife to King David. At first we can empathize ...Read Review

Leaving Eden

By Ann Chamberlin - Published 1999


Alternate History

Na’amah is Adam’s daughter by his first wife Lilith, a mother she barely remembers. Yet despite the absence of her mother ...Read Review

The Waters Between: A Novel of the Dawn Land (Hardscrabble Books)

By Joseph Bruchac - Published 1998


EpicHistorical FantasySaga

The Waters Between is Joseph Bruchac’s third novel in the Dawn Land trilogy. Ten thousand years ago, the Abenaki Indians inhabited what ...Read Review