Mary Chiappe

The Dead Can’t Paint

By Mary Chiappe - By Sam Benady - Published 2015



This is the latest and last of the Gibraltar-set Giovanni Bresciano mysteries. An arrogant and obnoxious French painter comes to Gibraltar in 1817 and ...Read Review

Death in Paradise Ramp

By Mary Chiappe - By Sam Benady - Published 2014



“Ramps” in Gibraltar are steep streets that today are furnished with stone steps, but in 1802 they are still rough and unsurfaced. Workmen clearing ...Read Review

The Devil’s Tongue: Bresciano Accused

By Mary Chiappe - By Sam Benady - Published 2013



Set in Gibraltar in the spring of 1793, this novel has a real sense, particularly, of place. There is a plan included so the ...Read Review

The Prince’s Lady: Bresciano and the Baroness

By Mary Chiappe - By Sam Benady - Published 2012



The lesson that I learnt from reading this book is that one should never, ever, judge a book by its cover. The novel’...Read Review

Mosaic of an Unquiet Time

By Mary Chiappe - Published 2012


Alternate History

This novel is set in 1963 in the fictional British colony of As Areias, an archipelago located off the coast of Portugal. The book ...Read Review

The Pearls of Tangier

By Mary Chiappe - By Sam Benady - Published 2011



This is the third book in the Bresciano Mysteries series, but it works perfectly well as a standalone read. This particular novel is ...Read Review

The Murder in Whirligig Lane

By Mary Chiappe - By Sam Benady - Published 2011



In October 1813, Gibraltar is now safe from Napoleon, thanks to Nelson and Wellington, but an older and merciless enemy is now attacking the ...Read Review

Fall of a Sparrow

By Mary Chiappe - By Sam Benady - Published 2010



Set during the Great Siege of Gibraltar (1779), this is an unusual crime novel. When a young Scottish soldier, childlike Jamie Macfarlane, is found ...Read Review