Kemp: Riders of Fury (Arrows of Albion Book 4)

Written by Jonathan Lunn
Review by Chiara Prezzavento

In 1352 the Hundred Years’ War is in full blaze, and England and France are playing tug-of-war over the Duchy of Brittany. In the midst of it all, freebooter Martin Kemp, de facto leader of a small band of English archers, has fallen foul of his latest French captain, and now must find a new lord for himself and his friends. Kemp also has trouble of his own, in the shape of a Gascon knight seeking revenge, a lovely Breton noblewoman who doesn’t especially want to be protected and, most inconveniently, a prickly conscience. Can he manage it all, with a growing number of foes out to get him, and war raging all around?

This is the fourth instalment in a series and, while the reader is left in no confusion as to who wants what, there is a certain feeling of transition to the whole story, as Kemp deals with the aftermath of previous battles, ends fighting the next at Mauron, and the stage is set for further adventures… Still, plenty happens in between, and – even with the occasionally stiff quasi-period dialogues – Riders of Fury is a gripping and fast-paced read, filled with engaging characters.