At Play in the Promised Land

Written by Diane Noble
Review by Jetta Culpepper

This final installment in the California Chronicles trilogy takes the two families into the twentieth century. The main character, Juliet Rose Dearbourne, is only temporarily delayed from following her dream of becoming an actress when responsibility for her younger siblings is passed her way. Struggles within the family take Juliet’s brother and father to Brazil in search of profitable investments. Clay MacGregor, private detective and later military pilot, holds a private infatuation for the headstrong Juliet. Three captivating stories, each influencing characters in the other, culminate in an unanticipated surprise.

By facing numerous tragedies with prayer, family members offer strong evidence of faith. Daily, they go about life in an inspirational manner of love and hope. The author uses a rich plot and a writing style that intrigues with elements of personal danger coupled with a dab of mystery to attract a broad readership.