Sourcebooks Landmark

Darcy and Anne

By Judith Brocklehurst - Published 2009



Readers of Pride and Prejudice will remember that Darcy had a cousin called Anne de Bourgh, daughter of the formidable Lady Catherine. They ...Read Review

The Plight of the Darcy Brothers

By Marsha Altman - Published 2009


This is subtitled “A Tale of the Darcys and the Bingleys,” and this describes it rather well, for this is a chance of ...Read Review

Pemberley Shades

By D.A. Bonavia-Hunt - Published 2008



This story, first published in 1949, is the second sequel ever written to Pride and Prejudice. Darcy and Elizabeth have happily settled into married ...Read Review

Lydia Bennet’s Story

By Jane Odiwe - Published 2007Published 2008



The flirtatious Lydia Bennet, the youngest sister in Pride and Prejudice, is the heroine of this delightful Jane Austen sequel. The first part ...Read Review

My Lady of Cleves

By Margaret Campbell Barnes - Published 2008


Biographical Fiction

The story of Henry VIII’s fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, is eloquently told in this reissue from the late English novelist Margaret ...Read Review

The Darcys & the Bingleys

By Marsha Altman - Published 2008



Subtitled A Tale of Two Gentlemen’s Marriages To Two Most Devoted Sisters, this novel begins a few days before the joint weddings ...Read Review

Mrs. Darcy’s Dilemma

By Diana Birchall - Published 2008


As Queen Victoria assumes the throne, the former Elizabeth Bennet of Pride and Prejudice and her husband Mr. Darcy discover that their two ...Read Review

The Darcys Give a Ball : A Gentle Joke, Jane Austen Style

By Elizabeth Newark - Published 2008



Queen Victoria is on the throne, and the children of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice are young adults. Their ...Read Review

Emma and Knightley

By Rachel Billington - Published (c1996)Published 2008



As Emma and Knightley opens, the titular couple has been married for over a year when tragic news arrives: Jane Fairfax, married to ...Read Review

The Pemberley Chronicles

By Rebecca Ann Collins - Published 2008



Beginning after the double wedding of Elizabeth and Jane Bennet to Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Mr. Charles Bingley respectively, this novel follows the ...Read Review