Thunder in the Sun

Written by Elizabeth Revill
Review by Helen Hollick

Thunder in the Sun is the fourth in the Llewellyn Family Saga, featuring Carrie in a new role of District Nurse.

Discovering that there is more to handle than patients and their minor ailments she must find temporary homes in her quiet Welsh Valley for a group of London Blitz evacuates – and then sort out some of the horrors of the consequences. Not all of the children were lucky enough to be cared for in a loving environment. From near-slavery to rape, Carrie must cope with these traumas while also dealing with the Land Girls who cause havoc, and her own tragedies of War which affect herself, her friend Megan, and her own brother John and his wife, Jenny. Fate tosses in another blow when her fiancé, Michael Lawrence, goes back to war and Carrie must find the strength to keep going.

I am not a great fan of World War II novels – but I enjoyed this one. It throws a different perspective on the ordinary, every-day life of people enduring the hardship of war, in particular dispelling the myth of ‘everyone pulling together’ and ‘making the best of it’. The war years were tough, hard, and often cruel and brutal – and I’m not talking about soldiers on the front line or in war camps! The ‘folk back home’ also had to somehow survive!

Even though I had not read any of the previous books, I immediately became engrossed with the characters and narrative. If this one is anything to go by the entire series is an enthralling family saga well worth reading!

Highly Recommended