Successio (Roma Nova)

Written by Alison Morton

The third in the Roma Nova series sees Carina Mitela dealing with the estranged daughter of her husband blackmailing them, her family falling apart, the heir to the empire becoming involved in highly illegal matters and her career on the line. Never have things been so tough; whatever decision she makes will have major repercussions.

Successio is the third in the Roma Nova series, and for those that are unfamiliar with Roma Nova, I heartily recommend that this is remedied at your earliest convenience.

The Roma Nova series is an alternative history and reimagines what the twenty-first century would be like if the Roman Empire had continued, albeit in a far smaller capacity, and it is certainly a world full of interest and drama. The politics are completely different, society is no longer patriarchal, but the traditions and religions have remained intact.

Being the third in the series, the relationships are cemented and, if you are a follower of the series, you will understand the dynamics. I did find myself a little lost in the opening chapters because I was reading the third in the series without the benefit of the previous books, however, the characters are fantastic and it is wonderful to see strong women instead of weak-willed wallflowers.

Absolutely recommended and well worth a read – but treat yourself and start at number one if you have not already done so.