
Reviews of some 20,000+ historical fiction books

A Killing at Ball’s Bluff: A Harrison Raines Civil War Mystery

By Michael Kilian - Published 2001



Ball’s Bluff was a relatively insignificant affair when compared with the carnage at Shiloh, Antietam, and Gettysburg. Civil War historians and enthusiasts ...Read Review

The Jew of New York

By Ben Katchor - Published 2001Published c1998



A complex story, difficult to describe in any other way than “Vonnegutesque,” The Jew of New York is the rich and varied story (...Read Review

Murder Most Confederate

By Martin H. Greenberg - Published 2000



Murder Most Confederate is the second volume of the Murder Most series. It is a compilation of sixteen short stories by various authors, ...Read Review

Down to Marrowbone

By Judson Gray - Published 2000



This is an action-packed western. The story tells of two men: one, a freed slave who took advantage of the Underground Railroad to ...Read Review

American Woman

By R. Garcia y Robertson - Published 2001Published c1998



This novel’s finale will come as no surprise: on June 25, 1876, General George Armstrong Custer led the soldiers of the 7th Cavalry to ...Read Review

White Rose (Una Rosa Blanca)

By Amy Ephron - Published (c1999)Published 2000


AdventureBiographical FictionInspirational

Evangelina Cisneros is a political prisoner in a women’s prison in Havana in 1897 when Charles Duval arrives ostensibly to interview her for ...Read Review

Gabriel’s Story

By David Anthony Durham - Published 2001



“I reckon we’re nowhere.” This declaration comes from Gabriel Lynch at his first sight of 1870’s Kansas, a flat prairie with few ...Read Review

The Wide World Dreaming

By JoAnne Soper Cook - Published 2000


Biographical FictionMilitary

The Wide World Dreaming tells the story of Napoleon’s life, beginning with his childhood on Corsica. Told in the first person from ...Read Review


By Orson Scott Card - Published 2001


Biographical FictionInspirational

The story takes place between 1819 and 1919 and is a fictional biography of Dinah Kirkham, a woman who was central in the growth and ...Read Review

In Sunlight, In a Beautiful Garden

By Kathleen Cambor - Published 2001


Biographical Fiction

The Johnstown Flood of 1889 in Pennsylvania was one of the worst disasters in American history: over 2,200 people died, including 99 whole families. Kathleen Cambor ...Read Review