Gramsci in Love

Written by Andrew Pearmain
Review by Christoph Fischer

Gramsci in Love by Andrew Pearmain is a well-researched fictionalised biography. While the main focus is on the Italian communist leader’s love life, much detail is also given about communist Russia, and the political and intellectual life in all of Europe during Gramsci’s life.

As often with biographical work the dramatic curve is dictated by the progress of actual events and does not always hold you in its grip as would a straight fiction novel. However, the dialogue in particular impressed me with its very authentic feel. Settings and characters were also very believable. The author clearly knows his subject and the period well. A fascinating and informative novel.

I was put-off by the unattractive cover. I doubt I would have picked the book up in a bookstore or even on-line because of this, which is a pity as I enjoyed the historical background data and could have missed a good read. I strongly suggest a redesign!