
House of Odysseus

By Claire North - Published 2023



In this second installment in the Songs of Penelope series, trouble comes yet again to Ithaca’s shores. Penelope must keep her head ...Read Review

The Magician’s Daughter

By H. G. Parry - Published 2023


Historical Fantasy

It is 1912, and 16-year-old Biddy lives on the island of Hy-Brasil, a magical place that only appears to the outside world every seven ...Read Review


By Claire North - Published 2022



Wily Odysseus, King of Ithaca, wed Penelope, then a few years later sailed off to the Trojan War with every man of fighting ...Read Review

Kaikeyi: A Novel

By Vaishnavi Patel - Published 2022



The great ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana, is told from Ram’s point of view—naturally enough, as he’s the god-hero of ...Read Review

The Monsters We Defy

By Leslye Penelope - Published 2022


Historical Fantasy

This historical fantasy set in Washington, DC in 1925 incorporates Black folk traditions of magic with Penelope’s imaginative extensions. The main character, Clara ...Read Review

The Book of Gothel

By Mary McMyne - Published 2022


Historical Fantasy

How would your perspective of religious beliefs change after reading a medieval codex illustrated with images reminiscent of fairy tales? The historical fantasy, ...Read Review

The Great Witch of Brittany: A Novel

By Louisa Morgan - Published 2022


Historical Fantasy

Morgan wrote this book in response to reader requests for more about Ursule Orchière, the elderly matriarch from A Secret History of ...Read Review


By Lucy Holland - Published 2021


Historical FantasyMystery/Crime

It is southwest Britain in the 6th century, and the Saxons are threatening again a generation after they were stopped by Aurelianus’s (...Read Review

The Light of the Midnight Stars

By Rena Rossner - Published 2021


Historical Fantasy

Mid-1300s, the Hungarian woods. As descendants of King Solomon, Hannah, Sarah, and Levana possess sacred magic. But their abilities will be put ...Read Review

A Radical Act of Free Magic (The Shadow Histories, 2)

By H. G. Parry - Published 2021


Historical Fantasy

This well-researched novel has done a wonderful job giving historical events from the late 1700s and early 1800s, such as the Battle of ...Read Review