Pegasus Books

Rosalind (UK) / The English Chemist (US)

By Jessica Mills - Published 2024


Biographical Fiction

Rosalind takes up the now familiar cudgels and, using the mass of proven evidence available to her, reprises Rosalind Franklin’s whole sad ...Read Review

The Princes in the Tower: Solving History’s Greatest Cold Case

By Philippa Langley - Published 2023



Having tackled the mystery of the body of Richard III (1452-1485) missing from Bosworth Field (“My kingdom for a horse”), exhumed him from ...Read Review


By Elizabeth Fremantle - Published 2023


Biographical Fiction

Rome, 1599: six-year-old Artemisia Gentileschi is hoisted onto the shoulders of the painter Caravaggio in order to witness the public beheading of Beatrice Cenci. ...Read Review

The Beasts of Paris

By Stef Penney - Published 2023


Stef Penney chose a setting that has not often been mined by authors of historical fiction: the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and the Commune ...Read Review

The Beasts of Paris

By Stef Penney - Published 2023


Against the backdrop of the Franco-Prussian War and the Siege of Paris in 1870/71, a number of mostly unconnected characters are drawn inexorably into ...Read Review

The Ballad of Lord Edward and Citizen Small

By Neil Jordan - Published 2023



This novel begins grittily on an American Revolutionary War battlefield, where an escaped former slave, Tony Small, first makes the acquaintance of British ...Read Review


By Elizabeth Fremantle - Published 2023


Biographical Fiction

Elizabeth Fremantle brings the story of Italian artist Artemisia Gentileschi to life in Disobedient. Gentileschi is arguably the most famous female painter to ...Read Review

Empire (The Golden Age, 2)

By Conn Iggulden - Published 2023



Athens, 5th century BC. Empire is the second book in Iggulden’s Golden Age series which follows the fortunes of the Greek hero ...Read Review

The Hidden Life of Aster Kelly

By Katherine A. Sherbrooke - Published 2023


Model and aspiring fashion designer Aster Kelly takes on an enviable job—being Lauren Bacall’s stand-in for designer-to-the-stars Fernando Tivoli. While learning ...Read Review

Samuel Pepys and the Strange Wrecking of the Gloucester: The Shipwreck that Shocked Restoration Britain

By Nigel Pickford - Published 2023



James, Duke of York (later, briefly, James II of England before he was exiled to France in 1688) traveled aboard the Gloucester in 1682 to ...Read Review

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