Chinese Whispers: In Search of Ivy

Written by Alison T. Choy Flannigan
Review by Viviane Crystal

The story of the Lai family from China to Australia is a fascinating account that begins with a brief overview of Chinese history covering the Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion and the changeover of Hong Kong to Britain and back to China in 1997. The Lai family moves to Australia from Canton as “sojourners,” families who immigrate to Australia and, upon reaching retirement at 50 years old, return to China. The book also recounts the multiple businesses the Lai family began as Australia began to develop as a commercial nation. They first panned the fields of the “gold rush” but also ran stores and kept herds of cattle and horses, beginning with Lai Kam Tai (Tommy Ah Kum) and his brothers Lai Fook and Lai Foo.

Maps, colorful photos of Australian highlights such as the Great Barrier Reef, photos of early Australian rock art, and photos of the family and family stores and businesses are provided. Specific charts convey to the reader the extent and importance of Chinese influence throughout the entire country. A trial against the Lai family is recounted, an example of the prejudice against Chinese. All in all, the Lai family maintained a respected position in whatever place they lived and carried on their commercial enterprises. Upon returning to China, the Lai family built the Chik Kwai Study Hall, a beautiful building for study and worship of ancestors. Some ancestors chose to remain in Australia.

Readers who love history, stories of family genealogy and evolution, travel, entrepreneurship, and memoirs will truly enjoy this exploration of one aspect of Chinese history changing and growing through the ingenuity and determination of the Lai family.