In Like Flynn

Written by Rhys Bowen
Review by Trudi E. Jacobson

This fourth book in the Molly Murphy series is just as delightful as earlier entries. After Molly accuses a member of the Hudson Dusters gang of being a pickpocket, Captain Daniel Sullivan of the New York Police sends her up the Hudson River to the estate of Senator Flynn, and, he thinks, to safety. Posing as a cousin of Senator Flynn’s from Ireland, she is to investigate a pair of spiritualists who are suspected of being frauds. The spiritualists are there to make contact with the kidnapped and murdered young son of the family. Molly takes on a second investigation to see if she can clear the child’s nanny, who was never charged, but has not been able to get another position in the years since.

Bowen’s deft use of historical details, from the bloomers Molly tries (and likes!) so she can learn to ride a bicycle, to the typhoid epidemic in New York City, situate the reader firmly in the early 20th century. Characters from previous books are back, albeit briefly, since Molly is out of the city during most of this story. Her relationship with Daniel Sullivan remains rocky. I do hope the next episode will find him ditching his irksome fiancée!