

Bio: Laura Selene Rockefeller is an actress, writer, and first person historical interpreter. She was the winner of the “LitMag” 2021 Virginia Woolf Award for short fiction, and her stories have appeared in the literary journals “Stork” and “New Square.” Laura has published articles in “Brontë Studies” and “The Revere Express.” Her original adaptation of A Christmas Carol was produced by Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, the adaptation of Jane Eyre she co-wrote with Sally Boyett was produced by the Classic Theatre of Maryland, and Clover, a bio-drama Laura co-wrote with Ty Hallmark, was produced by Ally Theatre Company. Laura has performed with regional theater companies across the country, including Folger Theatre, Arena Stage, Classic Theatre of Maryland, Kentucky Shakespeare, and  Chesapeake Shakespeare Company. Laura holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College, and an MFA from The Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Academy for Classical Acting at The George Washington University.

Twitter: @LauraLostInTime

Instagram: @laura_lost_in_time

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