Theodosia and the Pirates — The War Against Spain

Written by Aya Katz
Review by Rachel Malone

A sequel to Theodosia and the Pirates – The Battle Against Britain, this instalment sees Theodosia fighting against her beloved America while also being an enemy of Spain. Ruling an island full of fellow renegades now classed as pirates, family and friends are hanged and Theodosia is desperate to keep her children safe, but at what cost?

Books about piracy are usually fast-paced and exciting, normally there is a grit to them that gives a tension. Descriptions of ships and seas of a different era give an insight to a desperate time where death was just a moment away, and to live this life was to invite all manner of troubles to your door. I was hoping for something of this ilk when I received this book and unfortunately, I was disappointed. Initially, when I looked at the font size and cover, I thought this was a book for young adults, however the sexual scenes soon showed that this was not the case; jarring with the overall outward look of the book.

There are typographical errors here that really should be rectified as they do lead to confusion, especially as in many cases these are people’s names.

There is a good story in there and I have to admit that the only knowledge I have of this time period and location is from Zorro, so I would suggest that there is a market for this that is not already saturated, and could lead to success for Katz. I strongly suggest a professionally designed cover and layout, a good proof read and a re-edit would give the book more credit within the Indie market.