We love to organise historical fiction events. Many of our members travel thousands of miles to attend.

Historical fiction conferencesHistorical fiction events - HNS Oxford 2018 Conference

There are writing conferences. And history conferences. But we combine the two in our Historical Novel Society Conferences, open to historical fiction readers, writers, and publishers.

These unique events take place in the UK, USA, and Australia. The UK and USA conferences happen on alternate years.

It’s a friendly, informal get-together, with many of our delegates making life-long connections. The packed programme can include seminars on publishing, different eras, key note speakers and one-to-ones with agents.

Past speakers include: Diana Gabaldon, Tracy Chevalier, Ben Kane, and Bernard Cornwell.

Non-members can attend. However, members get early bird notification and discounts. Check out Why join the Historical Novel Society? to find out what’s on offer.

HNS North America Conference 2025
Past: HNS UK Conference 2024: From the Author’s Page to Screen and Stage
  • The 2024 UK Conference was held at Dartington Hall, Devon from 6 – 8 September 20204.
  • Speakers included Bernard Cornwell, Kate Quinn, Ian Mortimer, S.G. MacLean, and Diana Gabaldon.
  • UK conference website
Past: HNS Australasia Conference 2023

Speakers included: Melissa Lucashenko, Anna Funder, Judy Nunn, and Tom Keneally

  • The HNS Australasia Conference was held 20 – 21 October 2023 at the Southern Sydney Events Centre at Hurstville
  • Sessions were offered in-person, with some virtual options. Both in-person and virtual audiences will have on-demand access to the entire program for 3 months after the end of the conference
  • HNSA Conference website

Local chaptersHistorical fiction events - Arizona local chapter meet-up

Curious about historical fiction events near you? There may be an HNS Chapter meeting close by.

These local groups have been set up by enthusiastic Historical Novel Society members. They are locally initiated and run, with very little central supervision. Find out more in local chapters.

From round table discussions to presentations, readings to feedback sessions, they’re a wonderful way to meet other authors and readers.

We’ve many groups across the world including USA and Ireland. Please take a look at HNS Chapter meetings list.