The War Between Us
In the immediate wake of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a young Korean American, Alex Moon, leaves his home in California and embarks on a trip across America that could scarcely be made at a worse time for somebody who “looks Japanese” to all the Americans he meets along the way. He predictably encounters violent prejudice and ends up stranded in a small town in Indiana, surrounded by people who consider him the enemy. All but one. A young woman, Lonnie Hamilton, befriends Alex, and he soon begins to feel a romantic attraction toward her that is completely taboo in their small-town American world.
From such a deceptively simple premise, Sarah Creviston Lee crafts a smart, fast-paced, uncensored, and quite moving story of embattled love and obstacles overcome.
Even her unsavory characters are warmly, believably drawn, and the character of Lonnie Hamilton herself is wonderfully authentic. I read hungrily as the story picked up pace.
Highly recommended.