
Written by Costanza Casati
Review by Clare Lehovsky

This is a tale full of passion, loyalty, love, lust and war, steeped within a tradition going back millennia. The author deftly tells the tale of Semiramis, a girl coming from nothing, and how she climbs up society’s ladder proving that the vision of your future, although it may not necessarily be what you want, will come, as it may, with a waterfall of blood and gold.

This novel is subtle with historical elements and allusions, therefore creating a plot that draws you in from the very first page. It is not noticed that the novel spans over many years of a lifetime; it feels as if it is happening in one short, sharp instant, creating an impressive impact. The author’s language and word choices are filled with nuance and clarity, letting the reader know that they are in for a treat and that they should savour every word. You will fall in love with the characters as they arrive, and as they go, you will have learned something about them and yourself. The empire of Babylonia and Assyria is a perfect backdrop for this ‘rise to greatness’ story, where it is within hardship that a person finds out who they truly are.