Second Story Press
Two Pieces of Chocolate
While trying to escape Paris during World War II, Francine and her mother are arrested and end up in Bergen-Belsen, a German concentration ...Read Review
Obaasan’s Boots
Cousins Charlotte and Lou are visiting their grandparents in Toronto. While Lou lives in Toronto, Charlotte has flown with her mother from their ...Read Review
Bernice and the Georgian Bay Gold
Bernice, the eight-year-old protagonist, lives with her siblings, her parents, and her beloved grandmother in the lighthouse that her father tends on Georgian ...Read Review
Jacob and the Mandolin Adventure
Anne Dublin’s novel shares the true story of a group of orphans who immigrated from Mezritsh, Poland, to a farm school in ...Read Review
The Oracle of Cumae
In the central Italian city of Casteldurante in the late 19th century, a 99-year-old woman, Mariuccia Umbellino, summons a priest so she can ...Read Review
The Mozart Girl
Biographical FictionChildren/Young Adult
Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart enjoys beautiful gowns, birthday gifts, and sweets as much as any 12-year-old girl, but she has an extraordinary ...Read Review