
Forthcoming Historical Novels for 2025

The Historical Novel Society lists mainstream and small press titles for historical novels set in eras from ancient times to the mid-1970s. ...Read Guide

Forthcoming Children’s and YA Historical Novels for 2025

The Historical Novel Society lists mainstream and small press titles for readers aged 4 – 18, set in eras from ancient times to the mid 1970s. ...Read Guide

Forthcoming Children’s and YA Historical Novels for 2024

The Historical Novel Society lists mainstream and small press titles for readers aged 4 – 18, set in eras from ancient times to the mid 1970s. ...Read Guide

Forthcoming historical novels for 2024

The Historical Novel Society lists mainstream and small press titles for historical novels set in eras from ancient times to the mid 1970s. ...Read Guide

More Historical Body Modifications: Hairstyles, Piercing and Footbinding

BY B.J. SEDLOCK Building on my previous article from 2021, here are some more historical body modifications you might want to research for ...Read Guide

Resources on Medieval and Renaissance Foodways

BY B.J. SEDLOCK If you are setting your novel in the Medieval or Renaissance eras, you will likely have to research what ...Read Guide

Forthcoming children’s and YA historical novels for 2023

The Historical Novel Society lists mainstream and small press titles for readers aged 4 – 18. Books are set in eras up to the early 1970s. ...Read Guide

Forthcoming historical novels for 2023

The Historical Novel Society lists mainstream and small press historical titles for books set in eras up to the mid 1970s. Details are ...Read Guide

Resources on Ancient Foodways

BY B.J. SEDLOCK If you are writing a story about people in history you almost have to know about the food those ...Read Guide

Balloons, Dirigibles, and Gliders in History

BY B.J. SEDLOCK I wasn’t that interested in lighter-than-air travel until I read Frederica, a book by one of my favorite ...Read Guide

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