Terry Roberts
The Sky Club
A love story wrapped in a Depression-era moonshine-rich and jazz-bright adventure, The Sky Club is the fifth published novel from this native of ...Read Review
My Mistress’ Eyes are Raven Black
In this atmospheric historical thriller set at Ellis Island’s Isolation Hospital in 1920, Stephen Robbins, a private investigator, and a nurse, Lucy Paul, ...Read Review
The Holy Ghost Speakeasy and Revival
Set in rural North Carolina amidst the swing of Prohibition, this story follows the perilous adventures of the passionate traveling preacher Jedidiah Robbins. ...Read Review
That Bright Land
In the mountains and small towns of western North Carolina in 1866, returning soldiers from both sides have settled into uneasy peace—but, for ...Read Review
A Short Time to Stay Here
In 1918, the little town of Hot Springs, North Carolina, held the largest World War I internment camp in the United States. More than 2,000 ...Read Review