John Maddox Roberts

SPQR Xlll: The Year of Confusion

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2010



The year of confusion in the subtitle refers to the year that Caesar introduced his new calendar, and the dictator has assigned our ...Read Review

SPQR XII: Oracle of the Dead

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2008



In this, the twelfth of Roberts’ Roman mystery series featuring his sleuth Decius Caecilius Metellus, Italy is on the brink of civil war. ...Read Review

SPQR Xl: Under Vesuvius

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2007



The author’s eleventh entry in the Decius Metellus SPQR series takes place in the difficult days of rivalry between Pompey and the ...Read Review

The Seven Hills

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2005


Alternate History

The jumping-off point for this alternate history series occurred five generations ago, when Hannibal succeeded in conquering Rome and making the Mediterranean a ...Read Review

The Princess and the Pirates

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2005



The ninth entry in the SPQR series takes place in the period of the late republic, on the island of Cyprus, birthplace of ...Read Review

SPQR Vlll: The River God’s Vengeance

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2004



Decius Metullus is at it again. He is swiftly climbing the political ladder in Rome, thanks much to his family’s name and ...Read Review

The Tribune’s Curse: SPQR VII

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2003


It is 80 B.C., and Decius Cecilius Metullus the Younger is back again, returned from the war in Gaul to his native Rome, ...Read Review

Hannibal’s Children

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2002


Alternate History

“What if the past had been different? What if one war had changed the world?” Such is the focus of this novel wherein ...Read Review

SPQR VI: Nobody Loves a Centurion

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2001


This is the sixth entry in one of my favorite mystery series, starring Decius Metellus the Younger. Set in 696 A.D. in Gaul, ...Read Review

SPQR I: The King’s Gambit and SPQR II: The Catiline Conspiracy

By John Maddox Roberts - Published 2001



How glorious!  Finally, the reissue of this fabulous mystery series!   American readers are well aware of how impossible it has been to find ...Read Review