
Written by Stewart Binns

After the death of Harold in 1066, Edgar the Atheling is proclaimed king by his Saxon supporters. When the various rebellions are ruthlessly put down by William, Edgar seeks refuge with Malcolm Canmore, King of Scots. It is from this precarious position that Edgar and his few allies form a secret brotherhood, pledging to fight for justice and freedom wherever they are denied. Edgar finds himself increasingly involved in the murderous, internecine warfare which passed for Norman politics as events lead Edgar to Normandy, Sicily, England and Scotland. When the Pope declares a Crusade to free Jerusalem and the Holy Land, Edgar finds himself with Hereward of Bourne fighting alongside many of the men who had devastated England.

Crusade is the sequel to the very popular Conquest and follows on directly. It is an interesting mix of fact, and “what might have been.” The brutality of the period is effectively portrayed, contrasting with the burgeoning idea of knighthood and courtly love. Well researched, the main characters are all rounded and believable, while the plot is credible and maintains its pace throughout. An interesting story, well told.